Python for Series 60
Yesterday my Dad loaned me his USB bluetooth dongle. I put it on sulla, a linux box running Ubuntu 5.04. After the usual frustrations, I got my Nokia 6600 to communicate, sending files in each direction.
At last year's PyCon I met Jukka Laurila and Erik Smartt from Nokia who were demonstrating Python for the series 60 phones.Ever since then, I've been wanting to get Python running on my nokia 6600. With some help from the #pys60 channel, I was able to run the interpreter on the phone via bluetooth. Pretty cool.
I spent too much time with bluetooth and not enough on learning Nevow. Today was unseasonably warm, so I got out on the bike for a couple hours despite wanting to spend more time on development projects.
At last year's PyCon I met Jukka Laurila and Erik Smartt from Nokia who were demonstrating Python for the series 60 phones.Ever since then, I've been wanting to get Python running on my nokia 6600. With some help from the #pys60 channel, I was able to run the interpreter on the phone via bluetooth. Pretty cool.
I spent too much time with bluetooth and not enough on learning Nevow. Today was unseasonably warm, so I got out on the bike for a couple hours despite wanting to spend more time on development projects.
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